Category: Renting Tips

Rental Property Matters: Basic Questions To Ask Before Renovating

Property investments must go through a series of maintenance and upkeep to extend the life of their assets and ensure the safety and quality of living of tenants. One of the list’s critical items is a renovation, a costly exercise, whether conducted to repair damaged areas, remodeling or improving the property to sustain or increase.

Bricks and Mortar: Why Australians Continue To Invest In It

During the last decade, Australia has seen an upsurge in homeownership which has more than doubled compared to the last half-century.  Who would disagree with that? There’s no doubt about it because all you need to do is look around you.  Truth be told, Australians love their property and it seems like it is already.

Making A Big Decision – To Buy or To Rent

Investing in real estate is a wise choice but one that requires deep and careful thought. When considering options for a potential real estate acquisition, whether for personal or business reasons, it is always important to know all your possible options. But for first-time buyers, the burden becomes a bit more challenging when deciding whether.

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