5 Essentials to consider before listing your property

5 Essentials to consider before listing your property

getting-ready-to-sellAs humans we can be impulsive. So when you get the itch to sell up it can be tempting to sling said property on the market straight away. Hold your horses though, because you may need to get that property up to scratch before you list it.

Below are five things to consider before listing your property:

1. Tidy that garden!

You should never underestimate how a weed-riddled garden can make a property look like it’s been mistreated. A neat garden can tempt rather than turn away potential buyers, before they’ve even had a chance to step over the threshold of the front door.

We can’t all be ace gardeners, so it might pay to hire a professional to spruce the front lawn up a little, just to add some extra kerb-appeal to the property.

2. Do some general maintenance

If you tried to sell a cracked vase, you might expect to get less in return than if it was in perfect condition, right? In the same light, anything that’s broken on your property should be fixed before getting out the ‘for sale’ boards.

It has been known for buyers to ask for discounts if essential fittings are damaged or broken. These can include leaking taps, crooked letterboxes and broken lights. Even if it’s something that you’re not bothered by, have a little look around and see if anything can be put right before selling.

3. Clean it, clean it, clean it!

Nothing says “don’t buy me” more than a grimy stove or a stinky teenager’s bedroom. Make sure that the whole house has received a thorough clean, especially whilst it’s on the market.

It may also be worth getting professionals to come and clean your carpets and couches, just in case there are any obvious stains. Little details like that can go a long way in real estate.

4. Rearrange furniture and remove clutter

Rearranging furniture can be really important here, as it can free up space you didn’t realise you had – making the house feel more open and spacious. Obviously, it’s only your property on the market, but that doesn’t mean people won’t be looking at what you’ve got inside your home. Space is everything, so don’t put people off by keeping that giant elephant sculpture in the middle of the room.

On the other hand, empty rooms can be problematic. It makes some buyers feel like they have no idea what to do with the space – the blank canvas of an empty room can be intimidating. Some people opt to use a styling service if you think your décor might be letting the house down. Moving obtrusive furniture into storage can also be another option.

5. Get advice from a real estate agent

Don’t forget that every house is different. You’ll find that whatever helps to sell one house, might not be so helpful for another. It’s therefore advisable to seek advice from a professional real estate agent. They can make recommendations on the best course of action to take when it comes to getting the most money for your property as possible.

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